Mission & Vision


The Mission

To change the world through the authentic, true, Agape Love of God.
Choosing to be a Light in the Darkest Places.
Operating in the Spirit of God to bring Freedom.
Outreach. Missions. Social Justice Advocacy. Reformation.  Discipleship.

The Vision

The vision of Unleashed Global Ministries is to create a community that authentically lives out the true Love of God by loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves.  To be active in our local communities and our world by living out the gospel in love and through service.  We understand that the greatest commandment Jesus gave was to Love God and to Love your neighbor as you love yourself.  

We have created a space for those who have been marginalized, stigmatized, wrongly labeled, outcasted, hurt, and oppressed to come and sit at our table. We choose to stand on the right side of history by standing for Justice and standing against Injustice of every kind.

 Representing Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in all that we do.
We know that Jesus flipped tables in matters of injustice,
Jesus also prepared a table for all who would come even his enemies.
Jesus stood between the oppressor and the oppressed and drew a line.
So shall we.
Unity. Freedom. Kingdom.

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