How this all started....

Pastor and Overseer Dana Hamilton received total life transformation from years of trauma, labels, hurt, pain, and oppression. This did not come overnight, but by continuing to seek God for herself, healing from what others said about her and did to her she came face to face with an awesome loving God through the holy spirit.

Dana was called to ministry at 21 years old but after seeing how the church treated people, she left the church building but did not leave God. Soon after Dana entered into the profession of Law Enforcement.  Dana rose in the ranks and became a NC General Instructor where she taught on subjects such as Domestic Violence, Self Defense Training, Community Policing, Racial Profiling, Sexual Assault, Active Shooter, Mental Disabilities, Crisis Intervention Training, Rape Aggression Defense Training, Diversity and Inclusion in the community and specialized in criminal drug interdiction, gangs, as well as community policing. Dana suffered a lot of losses while in Law Enforcement. On one particular Halloween, she was in an active shooter situation where she could not bring a young man back to life, due to gun violence/gang violence. Dana really struggled with that and was never quite the same, shortly after God started dealing with Dana about returning to her first love of ministry. Dana loved her career but felt God had more for her to do. She left Law Enforcement in 2017 and began to seek God strongly again in her life.  

On October 6th, 2020 (her actual birthday) during a worldwide pandemic, God found Dana in her bedroom there she was just her and God. God knew Dana's past had been horrendous. She had endured sexual abuse in and outside of the church, domestic violence, near-death experiences, identity issues because of wrong labels placed on her, in and out of toxic relationships, loss of her father at age 7 who died in her arms from addiction, PTSD from her previous career in Law Enforcement and a very inconsistent faith walk through years of church hurt. However, after about a year of being completely still with God, by eliminating distractions and truly hearing God's voice, Dana was healed. She woke the next morning supernaturally changed by the power of God.

She now ministers everywhere she goes; she leads without limits knowing that we serve a Limitless God, and she offers hope to all she encounters especially when she finds them in a dark place, knowing that it was only God that could've healed her from years of hurt, pain, trauma and horrible oppression. Dana knew on Oct 6th, 2020, that what happened to her wasn't her fault, but the healing was her responsibility.  She surrendered it ALL to God that night and a few days after she felt God speak to her that she was "UNLEASHED." Unleashed from her past, the world's stigmas and labels placed on her, and from the bondage the world created through trauma, hurt, and pain. God declared through the holy spirit that Dana was Unleashed to go into the World and be a Light to the Darkest Places.

 Dana now walks in a powerful freedom message and a breaker anointing that does not allow anyone to stay where they are if they in fact have found themself in a dark place in life.  Dana has a true love for people because she came face to face with the True Living God and she knows it was the Love of God that radically changed her life. Dana goes hard for matters of social injustice, diversity/inclusion, and various types of outreaches which include those struggling with addiction, victims of domestic violence, street ministry and discipleship. Dana is a Woman who found her Roar and she doesn't mind telling her story to the world.

 In 2021 God led Dana to expand her reach from Dana Hamilton Unleashed to Unleashed Global Ministries. In less than a year the ministry has changed countless lives through the true, transformational love of GOD, authentically lived out. 

Expanding the vision...

God led Dana to expand the vision from Dana Hamilton Unleashed to Unleashed Global Ministries. God spoke to Dana's spirit that this is much bigger than you I just want you to lead it. I have called you to change the lives of countless others, but you will need help doing it.  God gave Dana clear direction to begin to set out in a mission to unify like never before realizing it would take a huge team of diverse people with like hearts to carry out the vision.
The mission, vision, and support continue to grow and in a very short period of time Unleashed Global Ministries has been effective in ministering to countless lives in the streets, in the church, in government, in the marketplace, through speaking out on social media, podcasts, major newspapers to include Washington Post and beyond. 

Where we are headed...

As we continue to grow, we are launching a diverse community through the Unleashed Google/Apple app available worldwide that will foster unity, discipleship, teaching, encouragement, a call-to-action surrounding social injustice, and victim advocacy.   We will begin hosting meet-up groups locally and abroad, to unite, and create space within these meetups where all can join us at the table and begin to grow in their faith, in their unique callings and authentic gifts to change the world. We are unifying with multiple non-profit organizations/ministries regarding social justice advocacy and outreach. 

Be a part of our story...